利用 Arukas Docker 搭建 CentOS7 环境


1. AD Time

I. Who?

  Arukas is the simplest-to-use Container-as-a-service that makes it easy to deploy and manage apps at scale.

II. Why?

  • Easy to Manage: Arukas control panel helps you access and manage your applications through a simple and intuitive web-based user interface. It has never been easier.
  • Reliable hosting: Arukas is composed of containerlized high-quality network and reliable hosting environment, which provides developers with rock-solid and highly scalable infrastructure.
  • Scale on Demand: Scalability is especially important since an applicatiion has to grow as it's needed. You can control container resources at any time.

2. Tutorial

I. Short Description

  Getting started in Arukas with CentOS.

II. Environment & Building CentOS

  A host running Centos7.

yum install docker git
systemctl start  docker.service
git clone https://github.com/arukasio/docker-hub-images.git
cd docker-hub-images/quickstart-centos
docker build --no-cache --tag quickstart-centos .

III. Get API key

  See here: https://app.arukas.io/settings/api-keys

IV. Deploying to Arukas

  You can login use "Public key authentication"

docker run \
    --rm \
    arukasio/arukas run --instances=1 --mem=512 --envs AUTHORIZED_KEY="`cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub`" --ports=22:tcp arukasio/quickstart-centos

  or "Username / Password"

docker run \
    --rm \
    arukasio/arukas run --instances=1 --mem=512 --ports=22:tcp arukasio/quickstart-centos -e ROOT_PWD=<YOUR_PWD>

V. Login CentOS

  Login to the control panel, and you will see the CentOS is running on Arukas now, like this:

  You can login use Xshell, but note that the port is not 22, but 31303 which was mapping out.


VI. Trouble Shooting

1、Cannot connect to the Docker daemon
You should start docker service first as root, like

sudo start service docker

2017/10/30 UPDATE:

Arukas docker has been closed .

ArmxMod for Typecho


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 本文最后更新于 2017/12/03 09:28:07,可能因经年累月而与现状有所差异

 引用转载请注明: VirCloud's Blog > 运维 > 利用 Arukas Docker 搭建 CentOS7 环境